Be A VIP Event Sponsor
Promotion in Pre-Event Marketing
Your company/logo/brand hi-lighted in all event promotion/marketing
Social Media
Showcased at Event
Brand/logo placement:
Your logo displayed at the meet n greet desk
Your logo on the Happy Hour menus along the entire bar
Your logo displayed with the hors d’oeuvres
Address the crowd
Address the crowd on the microphone
Priority placement on microphone
Complimentary Attendance
Post-Event Promotion
Your company/logo/brand hi-lighted, plus spotlighted, in post-event social media
& newsletter
Choose Your Level:
All of the above
- Cost: $547
All of the above
PLUS Vendor Display Space
- Cost: $647
GOLD Level
All of the above
PLUS Vendor Display
PLUS Proprietary Newsletter on your business
- Cost: $797
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